EXMAR report 2023

RISK FACTORS Strategic risks DESCRIPTION OF RISK POTENTIAL IMPACT LIMITING FACTORS AND CONTROL MARKET RISKS The overall oil and gas markets and the interlinked worldwide transportation market for these markets are cyclical and volatile. A decline in global oil and gas output could impact the freight rates for transportation of gas and would affect our income and cash flows, thereby affecting the value of our fleet and our financial position. Such downturn is not expected in the coming 5 years, according to the majority of the market analysts. Diversified client base and a significant coverage with a mix of long-term and short-term charters. The value of our fleet is continuously monitored and assessed by using internal and external information. Our position as long-term operator helps to mitigate sudden changes in freight rates or product market output. Lower demand for gas carriers, as well as other floating assets. A lower demand, and all other parameters remaining equal, could impact the freight rates and the number of off-hire days of our fleet. This would impact our business and cash flows as well as the value of our fleet and our financial position. A significant part of our fleet is secured on long-term charters. Geographical diversification and a qualitative client portfolio and network through integration in the markets thanks to years of experience. We are a flexible shipping company aiming for structural quality and durability for our clients. With gas recognized as global intermediary fuel towards 2050, there will be continued LPG products generated, hence, safeguarding the supply of the relevant products we carry. Some of our MGCs are on leases with the flexibility of purchase options throughout the contract: if market conditions would fundamentally change, we can simply not rebuy the vessel. POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES Deterioration of the economic, legal and political circumstances in countries, including political, civil and military conflicts. Such changes can from time to time result in attacks on ships, disruption of waterways, piracy, terrorism and other activities. Changes to economic, legal and or political circumstances could affect the trading patterns of LPG and LNG and could affect our fleet and infrastructure assets, our result of operations and our ability to obtain financing. Instability could result in a reduced demand for our services. It could also expose us to increased, additional or unexpected expenses to comply with changed laws and regulations and could affect our insurance expense or policy. Continuous assessment and monitoring of economic, political and legal circumstances in order to anticipate, limit or avoid any possible impact. Gathering information from authoritative and or industry organisations as well as from specialised consultants. Our insurance policy is regularly updated and includes among others protection and indemnity, hull and machinery and loss of income at insured values deemed to be appropriate to cover anticipated losses. Use of adequate charter contracts with industry charters (e.g. BIMCO) already to a large impact mitigate this risk. Many of our clients are oil/gas companies with strong balance sheets and strong corporate governance which reduce political risk and possible defaults on charter payments. COMPETITION Competitors investing in LPG carriers, FSRUs or other floating assets through consolidation, acquisitions of second-hand or newbuildings. The process of obtaining a charter is highly competitive. Increased competition may cause greater price competition for time charter rates and might impact the price of vessels or other floating assets. This could have a material effect on our results and cash flows and the value of our fleet and our financial position. Defining a strategy with a long-term vision and consistent management of ongoing trends in the industry. Experience of our management/ chartering team and our Board of Directors. Investing in a variety of factors such as the quality of our operations, technical abilities and reputation, quality and experience of our crew and relationships within the industry. Long-term standing in the market with strong clientele often extending period charters thanks to our experience and in-house shipmanagement. Price is often determined by market forces so that experience and quality of services offered are key. CAPITAL ALLOCATION Inefficient capital allocation and long-term vision and strategy, thereby reducing shareholders’ value. Inefficient investment decisions and/or an inappropriate long-term investment strategy will have a direct negative impact on the group’s financial resources (obtaining financing, covenant compliance) and overall performance (revenues, EBITDA and impairment). EXMAR’s management and Board of Directors closely monitors this risk and regularly challenges its long-term strategy in view of market and business evolutions. Risk is spread over different markets, divisions and clients with different risk profiles. 104 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT

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