EXMAR report 2023

DESCRIPTION OF RISK POTENTIAL IMPACT LIMITING FACTORS AND CONTROL IMPAIRMENT Negative variations in the fair market value of our fleet and other floating assets. A significant decline in the fair value of our fleet could lead to an impairment loss to be recognized and would have a significant impact on our financial position and result. The ratio of the fair value of our fleet compared to the outstanding debt is a financial covenant in our financing arrangements. Our activities tend to be cyclical resulting in changes in the overall fair value of the fleet on the short-term. A significant decline could trigger an event of default under such arrangements. The value of our fleet is continuously monitored using internal and external information and at least on each reporting date our fleet is tested for impairment. Testing is done by comparing the carrying amount of our fleet to appraisals of independent shipping brokers and to the net present value of the expected operating cash flows. The operating cash flows are based on internal information and a sensitivity analysis is performed on each assumption. Based on the testing performed as of December 31 2023 it is concluded that the carrying amount of our fleet is recoverable and that all financial covenants under our financing arrangements are complied with. LIQUIDITY RISK Financial obligations and working capital requirements can vary depending upon a number of factors. Our cash generating activities can be cyclical/volatile and dependent upon market circumstances while our outgoing cash flows can relate to operating, investing or financing activities. Any failure to meet our financial obligations could have material consequences for our operations and could trigger events of default under certain arrangements. Liquidity is managed on a continuous basis to ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet our financial obligations when due under normal and stressed conditions. Based on our known contractual rights & obligations and using estimates or assumptions if needed, a monthly cash flow forecast is prepared and monitored per segment and for at least the subsequent 12 months. Our sources of operating income as well as our sources of financing are diversified. Payments relating to investing activities and our maturities of bank and other loans are also spread over different years. “The Baths at Ostend” MSK Ghent Photographer: Dominique Provost 108 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT

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