EXMAR report 2023

Description of the procedures to develop the remuneration policy as well as to determine the remuneration of individual directors and members of the Executive Committee The remuneration policy is adopted by the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, whose role and responsibilities are described in the Corporate Governance Charter adopted by EXMAR. The policy, aligned to the new dispositions of the SRDII, BCCA and Code 2020, was approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 18 May 2021. An amended policy was approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 17 May 2022. EXMAR strives for remuneration which will attract, motivate, reward and retain the qualified professionals for the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee needed to obtain the Company’s operational and strategic objectives and to promote long-term sustainable value creation. EXMAR attempts to ensure that the members of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee do not act in their own interests, and/or do not take risks that do not fit in with the Company’s strategy and risk profile. Remuneration for non-executive directors The remuneration of the non-executive directors is decided by the General Meeting of Shareholders on a proposal from the Board of Directors. This proposal is based on the recommendations of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The remuneration of the non-executive directors takes into account their responsibilities, their role as Board member, the workload and specific roles such as chairman of the Board, or chairman or members of Board committees. All non-executive directors receive an annual fixed fee of EUR 50,000. No attendance fees are being paid. Members of the Audit and Risk Committee and/or the Nomination and Remuneration Committee receive a supplementary fixed fee of EUR 10,000. The annual payments are pro-rated according to the number of months served as an active board member or member of a committee during the calendar year. Because of their roles and responsibilities, the annual fixed fee for the chairman of the Board and the chairman of each of the Committees is equal to twice the fee of the other members of the Board or the Committees except for the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. The Company provides customary insurance policies covering the Board of Directors’ activities in carrying their duties at group level. The non-executive directors do not receive performance- based remuneration or any benefits in kind or benefits associated with pension schemes. In deviation of provision 7.6 of the Code 2020 non- executive directors do not receive part of their remuneration in the form of shares of the Company. EXMAR is of the opinion that granting remuneration in shares (in part or in whole) would not necessarily contribute to enabling the directors to act from the perspective of a long-term shareholder value and risk profile of the Company. The Company will, at regular intervals, reconsider this issue. Directors are appointed by and the length of their terms is approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders for a maximum of 3 years. They are not entitled to any notice periods or severance indemnities in relation to the termination of their mandates. They are at all times subject to dismissal by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Remuneration for executive directors The executive directors of EXMAR who are a member of the Executive Committee are only remunerated in their capacity as executive and not in their capacity as director/member of the Board. This applies also for board memberships of subsidiaries. If executive directors are remunerated for their role in subsidiaries, this remuneration is part of their agreed global package. REMUNERATION REPORT 2023 111

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