EXMAR report 2023

Consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income (In thousands of USD) Note 2023 2022 Revenue 4 487,318 155,604 Gain on disposal 5 868 319,643 Other operating income 4,020 1,601 Operating income 492,206 476,848 Vessel expenses 6 -263,114 -60,121 Raw materials and consumables used 7 -23,279 -3,447 General and administrative expenses 8 -54,804 -39,293 Personnel expenses 9 -46,176 -32,333 Depreciations & amortisations 13/14/15 -33,956 -33,624 Impairment losses and reversals 13/18/22 2,701 4,768 Loss on disposal -82 0 Other operating expenses 10 -24,356 -25 Result from operating activities 49,140 312,773 Interest income 11 17,961 7,125 Interest expenses 11 -10,938 -21,954 Other finance income 11 1,373 9,525 Other finance expenses 11 -13,515 -18,055 Net finance result -5,120 -23,359 Result before income tax and share of result of equity accounted investees 44,020 289,414 Share of result of equity accounted investees (net of income tax) 16 32,136 32,007 Result before income tax 76,156 321,420 Income tax expense 12 -4,148 -1,072 Result for the period 72,007 320,348 Attributable to: Non-controlling interest 36 30 Owners of the Company 71,972 320,317 Result for the period 72,007 320,348 Basic earnings per share (in USD) 1.25 5.60 Diluted earnings per share (in USD) 1.25 5.60 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Result for the period 72,007 320,348 Items that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: Equity accounted investees - share in other comprehensive income 16 -2,098 1,943 Foreign currency translation differences 1,572 580 Other 211 -202 Items that will never be reclassified to profit and loss: Employee benefits - remeasurements of defined benefit liability/assets 28 -456 -706 Total other comprehensive income for the period (net of tax) -771 1,615 Total comprehensive income for the period 71,237 321,963 Attributable to: Non-controlling interest -33 37 Owners of the Company 71,270 321,926 128 FINANCIAL REPORT

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