EXMAR report 2023

Statutory financial statements The statutory accounts of EXMAR NV are disclosed hereafter in a summarised version. The full version will be filed with the National Bank of Belgium. The full version is available on the Company’s website (www.EXMAR.be) and a copy can be obtained free of charge on request. An unqualified audit opinion has been expressed by the statutory auditor. (In thousands of USD) 31/12/2023 31/12/2022 BALANCE SHEET Fixed assets 320,512 280,675 (In-)tangible assets 192 71 Financial assets 320,320 280,604 Current assets 137,269 576,413 Amounts receivable within one year 53,723 79,651 Investments 18,147 489,052 Cash and cash equivalents 64,427 6,740 Accrued income and deferred charges 973 970 Total assets 457,781 857,088 Equity 306,609 680,704 Capital 88,812 88,812 Share premium 124,634 209,902 Reserves 87,200 89,976 Accumulated profits 5,964 292,014 Provisions and deferred taxes 13,296 800 Provisions 13,296 800 Liabilities 137,875 175,584 Amounts payable within one year 137,875 175,584 Total equity and liabilities 457,781 857,088 (In thousands of USD) 01/01/2023 01/01/2022 STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS 31/12/2023 31/12/2022 Operating income 6,121 4,163 Operating expenses -28,415 -15,013 Operating result -22,293 -10,850 Financial income 36,334 268,949 Financial expenses -11,598 -21,831 Result for the year before tax 2,443 236,268 Income tax 192 -276 Result for the year 2,634 235,992 Appropriation of result Result to be appropriated 294,648 419,661 Transfer from/(to) capital and reserves 88,045 -8,145 Result to be carried forward -5,964 -292,014 Distribution of result -376,729 -119,502 FINANCIAL REPORT 199

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